If you’ve followed someone recently and received a DM like this…
[username] uses TrueTwit validation service. To validate, click here: [TrueTwit URL]
…you might be wondering what that’s all about.
TrueTwit is an external to Twitter service which sends new followers a link to prove that they are real. Users must either enter a Captcha each time they follow a TrueTwit user, or sign up to TrueTwit themselves to stop seeing the requests (but then they will start sending the DM’s out)
Honestly though? TrueTwit is pointless. Yes, it will reduce the number of spam followers you have – but that’s only a problem if you care about the exact number of followers you have. TrueTwit is more likely to turn off your real followers – why should they be proving that they’re real? They just want to hear your latest tweets!
If you’re so concerned about people reading your tweets, then consider locking your account – but that’s not so great for bloggers because you want people to retweet your tweets about new posts.
Thankfully, it’s simple to remove TrueTwit from your account – first, log into your TrueTwit account, and head to “Cancel Service”. Click “Cancel TrueTwit Service” and you’ll see a confirmation it’s gone.
Once you’ve deleted your account, head to your Twitter settings page, then the apps section. Revoke the access to TrueTwit – this should stop all DM’s being sent from your account.
What do you guys think of TrueTwit? Useful, or does it make you less likely to want to follow that person?
Ugh so not a fan of true twit. It is just annoying and pointless like you said. It does make me more likely to unfollow and move along.