If you’re looking for a way to make your posts stand out on social media, take a look at Ripl. It’s a new app that allows you to create animated posts that are easily posted.
It’s super easy to use – you provide the photo and text that you want in the post, and if there’s any link that you want to include in the post. Once you’ve done that, the next screen takes you to the different animations where you can customise the font, colours and music. You can choose whether the post will be animated or just an image, and Ripl allows you to post the animation to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter at the same time.
You can pay for the Pro version which provides unlimited access to animations, allows you to remove the Ripl logo and allows you to schedule posts. This feature costs $10 a month, but there’s a 7 day trial available so you can see if it’s any good for you.
Ripl is available for free on the iOS app store