I like to keep up with the latest news from around the influencer industry and social media in general, so thought I’d share some of my favourite newsletters…
Garbage Day
Garbage Day publishes three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) with a bonus issue for paid subscribers on a Saturday. It covers internet culture and describes itself as being for those of us who “remember growing up in the west wild of AIM and Kazaa and message boards.” The newsletter often includes stories about influencers and various social media related issues – it’s one of the few newsletters that I pay to subscribe to and there’s always something worth sharing in there.
Subscribe here: Garbage Day
Today in Tabs
Today in Tabs publishes four times a week (Monday – Thursday) and covers pretty much anything relating to internet culture. If there’s something trending on Twitter, then this newsletter usually has a recap on what it’s all about. This is another newsletter I subscribe to because I find it so interesting
Subscribe here: Today in Tabs
ICYMI is a weekly newsletter that’s made for independent creators and social media managers and tends to cover new features from the various social media networks – considering how much some networks (looking at you Instagram) update their features, having a weekly round up is super useful.
Subscribe here: ICYMI
The Wreck List
The Wreck List isn’t specifically targetted to influencers, but covers a lot of stories involving influencers. The weekly updates are a pile of links with a small description or note with them,and I always end up with at least a dozen open tabs!
Subscribe here: The Wreck List
Please Like Me / Cleanse the Timeline
Please Like Me and Cleanse the Timeline are two newsletters from BuzzFeed News that focus specifically on the influencer world. Please Like Me covers the latest news and controversies in the influencer industry, while Cleanse the Timeline curates the most interesting and entertaining influencer-related content from around the web.
Subscribe here: Please Like Me / Cleanse the Timeline
Hopefully you’ve found something new and interesting to read from this list. Do you subscribe to any influencer newsletters? (and don’t forget, you can always sign up to get the latest Bonjour, Blogger! posts in your inbox by putting your email in the below box!)