It sucks when your following count drops. Especially when it’s someone that you thought was cool, you’ve chatted a few times on social media and got on well with them, and yet they’ve clicked that unfollow button. What did you do?
The tools that help to tell us how our accounts are growing can also help to tell you when you’re losing followers. But here’s a few reason why you shouldn’t be too hung up on why people are unfollowing
It’s not you
Just because someone has unfollowed you doesn’t mean they don’t like you, but they may not be interested in what you’re posting, or they feel like you’re posting too much, or they’re trying to cut down the amount of accounts they follow. Lots of different reasons, and none are anything that you can control!
They may be following you elsewhere
If your social media accounts are only tweeting out your latest blog posts or links to other posts on other platforms, then if people are following you there, they probably don’t want to get the same information twice! Think about keeping different content to different platforms so people have a reason to follow you on all of your accounts!
Not everyone is unfollowing
One person may unfollow you. But you could then be followed by three other people. It’s easy to get hung up on the negative point, but try to concentrate on the positives!
At the end of the day, all you can do is be yourself, and don’t get too hung up on those that don’t want to see your updates