Perhaps you’ve decided that you want to start a new blog, but you’re not sure on what sort of niche to go for. We’ve put together a short list of things to ask yourself to help you work out what you could write about often
What are your hobbies?
This is probably the most obvious starting point on deciding what to blog about, but combining a hobby into blogging is a great way to show off your skills. Having a passion for something will make it easier for you to write about it! If you love to read up about specific things, then you could see whether these can be incorporated into your blog as well.
What are you known to give good advice in?
If you’re the sort of person who is always asked for advice in a certain topic, then you could consider making that your niche to share your knowledge with others because usually, they’re not the only ones with that question.
Our pal Charlotte (who you have heard about in the past with her company Black Heart Creatives) is well known for giving good advice, so she has started a blog and podcast called Q and Bayes.
What do you love to read about?
If you’re interested in the topic, then it comes across in your writing. Think about when you’ve had to write an essay about something you didn’t really care that much about – it’s obvious when you compare it to something you enjoyed writing. Writing about something you love to read about also means it’s a lot easier to write about it!
What is unique about you?
What makes you, you? What are the unique life experiences that you’ve had that you can talk about and develop into a series? Even just writing about what makes your day to day life different interests people – think about how many vloggers there are that just vlog their everyday lives
Who are you writing for?
Thinking about your own demographic and the demographics of the audience you’re writing for can help you figure out whether you’re in a group that can be targeted with a niche blog – e.g. if you’re a first time mum writing to other first time mums, it could be helpful to others to share what you’ve learnt so far.
How did you decide what to focus your blog on?