1. Sue Ellen Francisco (download) (Google Font)
2. Dead Hardy (download)
3. Emily’s Candy (download) (Google Font)
4. Sacramento (download) (Google Font)
5. La Belle Aurore (download)
6. RNS Camelia (download)
7. Lobster Two (download) (Google Font)
8. Scriptina Pro (download)
9. Amatic Small Caps (download) (Google Font)
10. Mossy (download)
We thought we’d share with you some of our favourite fonts – all of these are available in Picmonkey (although some of them may be Royale features). We use Sacramento for the capital letters in our headings, and Sue Ellen Francisco for the rest of the heading text. Amatic Small Caps looks like it’s the font that Company magazine uses throughout for headings and we just couldn’t resist including Scriptina Pro in there – many many years ago, it was the font for blog headings.
Some of these fonts are available with Google Fonts. This means you can use the fonts to change the headers, etc, on your blog without having to worry that the viewer doesn’t have that font installed. Using these webfonts can slow down the performance of your blog though. If anyone is interested in finding out more about Google Fonts, let us know and we’ll pop a post up about it.
All download links provided in good faith, however we take no responsibility for any legal or computer issues you may have! Always check out the details of whatever you’re taking first.