Ace Media is an online platform that bloggers can use to contact brands but the feature that we love is Pitch Pack. It’s an easy way to give your statistics to anyone that wants to know them for future collaborations, and updates automatically. Brands will love it because the data is verified as it automatically collects the data from your Google Analytics or various social media accounts, rather than relying on you to provide the data, and bloggers will love it because you don’t have to remember to keep updating it.
To sign up, go to the register page and after selecting that you are a blogger, you’ll be able to sign up for free. Approval to access the full site didn’t take too long
After connecting your accounts and completing your profile, you’re able to download product images to use in blog posts, access press releases and view lookbooks made up from the brands registered with Ace Media. What we found useful is that there is a publicly accessible profile so you could share the link with anyone who requests that data.