Name: Christina Rose Brown
Age: 26
Location: London
Blog URL:
What is your blog about?
It is focused on contemporary art. My blog, in its current guise is relatively new and so it is currently mainly reviews of exhibitions that I have been too, but I will also be posting my own art work, profiling artists and sharing my views on current events in the art world. Plus I am about to start training to be an art teacher, so that might make its way on their too.
Is this your first blog?
Yes and no. I started blogging under the name ‘A Sense Sublime’ ages ago, but mainly about fashion. I was studying for a fine art degree at the time and liked having a creative outlet where I could talk about a different interest. A few years down the line and now working in fashion, it felt like that side of my life had taken over a bit and I was left feeling very uninspired. Art has always been my first love and so about a year ago I made a resolution to steer myself back on to an artist path, before I went too far down the fashion route! I had a break from blogging for a bit, and then in June I re-launched.
When did you start your current blog?
Back in 2006, when I was in my first year at University.
What made you do it?
I had always loved writing and knew that it was something I wanted to peruse, I thought it was a good opportunity to help develop my writing style. I also loved fashion and was inspired by fashion blogs I was reading. It was at the time when blogging was just started to explore and I’ve always had a bit of that ‘I could do that’ attitude!
What was your first blog post about?
My first ever blog post, and my first ‘relaunched’ blog post were both quite similar – an introduction. Just saying hi and what I was going to be writing about. It’s quite boring, but just jumping straight in seemed strange. I think that as blogs are so personal, it is worth introducing yourself to your readers.
What do you think is the most useful tool to you as a blogger?
Well, the obvious answer would be the platform itself. I use WordPress currently but started on blogger. Without them helping me to carve out my own little space on the web I would have been lost. I would have no idea where to start if I had to build my own website from scratch! In terms of a social platform, twitter is invaluable for connecting with other bloggers, readers and organisations. I stay in touch with loads of people I have met through blogging on twitter and it is a great way to promote new posts.
Do people in your “real life” know about your blog?
Yes, I have always shouted about it. Blogging takes a lot of effort and I think it is something to be proud of. Everyone I know has always been really supportive and encouraging. My mum is definitely my most loyal readers and most regular commenter!
If yes, has your blog helped you career wise?
I currently work in Fashion marketing and would never have got into that if it wasn’t for my blog. It showed I had a real interest in the sector and also proved I understood new forms of media. I have had to work on blogger outreach and it has really helped that I understand thing from the bloggers point of view as well as the brands. I also do a lot of copy writing and run my companies blog, without having proved my ability with my blog I don’t think I would have been given those responsibilities.
I am about to change my career (back onto that artist path) and whilst my blog might not be such a direct influence on that job, the fact I am keeping up to date and thinking about contemporary art, will hugely help with my subject knowledge.
I am also now doing some freelance writing about arts, culture and education, another fantastic opportunity that happened because of my blogging.
What has been the one thing (blog post, project, etc) you’ve been really proud of?
I have been involved in a lot of really fun projects, especially when I was writing about fashion. There were many great parties I was invited to and I covered events for London Fashion Week, Barcelona Fashion Week and Africa Fashion Week London. However I guess the thing I am most proud of is being picked to blog for Plan UK’s Day of the Girl. Plan is a fantastic charity that supports girls all over the world in education. It is something I care about a great deal. They picked several bloggers to write a post about how important our education has been to us. It felt fantastic to be using my writing to help support kids who are often denied the education that I have taken for granted. I really enjoyed working with Plan UK and hope to again in the future.
Where do you see your blog in a year?
I just want to keep writing and to include more of my own art on it. It would be great to have it acting as an online portfolio for both my artwork and writing. I hope to continue to have readers who are engaged and enjoying what I am writing.
What do you wish you knew when starting your blog?
How hard work it is. Even now, when I have been blogging for years that can still surprise me! When you work full time and especially now I have freelance work as well, it can be difficult to make time for it, but it you love it you will make it work.
What do you wish you know about now?
I am terrible at coding and the design aspect. I like minimal blogs, but just have to use the ‘off the peg’ themes. Anytime I try and change things it becomes a bit of a disaster. I once spent three days trying to remove a boarder round my title image!
How do you keep motivated to post?
I am motivated by the fact I love what I am writing about. I think that it really shows when a blogger cares about what they are saying, whether that is about fashion, food or art. It works both ways though and you can always tell if someone isn’t really that into it. It makes me sad when I see blogs that lack that passion – you should only blog because you love doing it!
Anything else you’d like to add?
Only that I am looking for more people who blog about their own artwork and exhibition etc to follow – if anyone knows of any cool art blogs, please let me know!