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  1. This is a great post! Like you, this has been on my mind a lot lately too and I’ve been wanting to write something about this for a while. I’ve found myself unfollowing a few bloggers as I just can’t relate to their incessant need to purchase and showcase new clothes in every other post…buying lots of clothes isn’t something I do, or can afford to do. You’re suggestions on how to keep posting when you can’t afford to purchase new items are great; ‘Shop My Stash’ posts are amoung my favourite posts to read, I wish more bloggers would do them.

  2. I totally agree with this. Excessive consumerism is damaging on every level. For bloggers, it just creates a feeling that everyone has to “keep up with the joneses” and it’s only negative.
    I am planning on making de-haul blog posts for a while – I am trying to declutter my wardrobe and will do the exact opposite. I think that it’s more positive and might still be interesting for other people to see what I’m getting rid of, as opposed to stuff I’m adding.

  3. A really interesting point, thank you. The desire to ‘keep up with the joneses’ is definitely rife in blogland and younger bloggers will really feel this pressure when trying to imitate other well-known, established bloggers. I even find the very word, “haul”, annoying, with its negative connotations of excess.

    I wonder if the fact that lots of bloggers feature products several times over might actually even compound this issue of needing to have soooo much stuff – i.e. a product appears in a wishlist post….then a haul post….then a review….then maybe a favourites post….a get ready with me or face/outfit of the day type post….a ‘top 10 items to use on days when there’s a “Y” in the name”….and then for beauty products, perhaps even an empties post..etc etc. Obviously re-using items is great however if not following carefully it could appear that bloggers have way more stuff than they actually do!

    In a similar-ish vein, I’m sure that many of the “Look what I got for Christmas” posts also negatively affect bloggers, making them feel inadequate etc. Even when tempered with “I’m a lucky girl” etc I still find lots of them a bit show-off-y and although they do satisfy curiosity on a basic level they’re usually pretty shallow posts, content-wise, without much creativity or substance – not all, but lots.

    For me, if bloggers present their purchases/acquisitions in a more subtle, creative and imaginative way, without it feeling like a crude Generation Game-esque conveyor belt of items being wheeled out and shown off simply for the sake of showing off and/or fitting in, then I find haul type posts much more palatable but unfortunately the more creative haul posts seem to be a rarity.

    To be honest I genuinely find it hard to find bloggers I can identify with, in terms of lifestyle, and I do wonder how many bloggers buy products just to post about them. I love shopping and having nice things but have a small disposable income and therefore modest spending habits. My ‘average’ life doesn’t seem that well represented in blogland. I guess it’s not exciting or aspirational enough! Obviously I’m aware that all is not always as it seems and many items are supplied by PRs (even if not always flagged as such) but, even so, where are the ‘normal’ people with their ‘normal’ amounts of (non-designer) shopping?!

  4. As a relatively new blogger, I definitely feel pressure to buy things and spend lots of money so that I have something to post about. I feel like people will only be interested in posts that feature items that they can themselves buy eg not charity shops or second hand items.
    It is something I am working around, and asking companies for items seems like a good route to take right now.
    Thanks for this post x

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