It’s always nice to share the blog love, which is why we started the “Saturday Summary” series, but it became one of those things that was difficult to put together (most of our content can be scheduled in advance, but Saturday Summaries needed to be done on a Saturday morning to have the freshest content)
We still love sharing blog posts that we love with you guys, but thought that it would be nice to create something that would make it easy to tell your followers about blogs you liked.
A few years ago, Hayles created #wkendbloglove, a little Twitter love-in where she could tweet links and use the hashtag to keep them all together. We thought it would be a nice idea to bring this back so keep an eye out this weekend as we tweet out lots of amazing links.
If you’d like to join in, we’d love to see what you’re sharing! Just use the hashtag #wkendbloglove, and tweet the link and a little description about why you love that post! (@ the blogger in as well – everyone loves to hear that someone enjoyed their post!)
If you’d like to see all the tweets in one place, check out the widget below!
This is such a lovely idea! I think it will be such a huge success :-)
Catia x